Summer 2023 Newsletter

Hello to all our Shantalla residents and welcome to Summer.

We endured the wettest July on record, with a total of 228 mm of rain recorded, which was over 25% of the total rain for the year so far. August has been a bit of an improvement, so onward and upwards!

Updates on Previous Events

  • The Calendar we commissioned for Shantalla’s 80th Anniversary was a great success, a big thank you to all the sponsors and residents who provided the photos.
  • The resident’s association held their annual easter egg hunt on Easter Sunday 9th April in the Community Centre, because of inclement weather.
  • The CE Scheme planted wildflowers in front of Centre and in various flower beds around Shantalla while also maintaining the green ways.
  • The Men’s Shed had a fundraising craft fair in Centre Saturday 5th August again a great success! Anyone interested in joining the Men’s Shed please call in to Men’s Shed based in Community Centre Mon/Wed/Fri 10am to 1pm
  • Annual Spring clean took place on 15th April, thanks to everyone for helping.
  • Bike week cycle was held on 20th May, this is now an annual event.
  • Street Fest was held in the Sliding Rock on Sunday 16th July and was well attended.

Summer Draw

The Shantalla Residents Association will take place in Cookes on Saturday August 26th. This is a very important fundraising event for the annual party. Typically, we need to raise over half the total costs. SRA members will be knocking on doors next week to sell tickets – €5 for a book of three.


A lot of hedges around Shantalla are very overgrown and forcing people off the footpath on onto the road. This is not fair to the elderly or to people with buggies.

Section 70 of the Roads Act 1993 places responsibility for the maintenance of roadside hedges on the owners/occupiers of the adjoining lands. Failure to comply with their obligations could result in Landowners/Occupiers of Land along a public road, facing fines of up to €5,000 and or imprisonment of up to 6 months or both.

We would kindly ask occupiers to cut their hedges from September 1st. If you are unable to do this yourself, please email us at [email protected].